Thursday, November 28, 2019
Adventures Of Huck Finn By Mark Twain Essays (411 words)
Adventures Of Huck Finn By Mark Twain Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is a true American classic. Twain creates a tremendous story about a boy, Huck, and a slave, Jim, who together overcome obstacles, and eventually reach their goals. Huck helps so many others despite leading a terrible home life. Before the novel begins, Huck Finn has led a life of absolute freedom. His drunken and often missing father has never paid much attention to him; his mother is dead and so, when the novel begins, Huck is not used to following any rules. Huck is boy who was made for the frontier, where he grows up. He is very practical, and has alot of common sense, allowing him to think situations through, and decide on the best path to choose. Yet Huck's best quality is his deep caring for other people, and this is what makes him such a classic character. Huck will stop at nothing to help other people, as shown in his aiding the king and the duke from escaping the posse, who wanted to kill them. The most important show of his character is his desire to bring Jim from slavery. Huck has felt freedom from being on his own. Even though Jim is the other major character of this novel. He is a slave who is befriended by Huck, and with Huck's help, he escapes slavery. Huck shows his charity to others in his aiding Jim, and together they become inseparable friends, and show that despite differences amongst people, everyone is human, and deserves to be treated equal. Society believes that slaves should be treated as property; Huck, who had befriended a runaway slave, sees Jim as a person, not property. At the conclusion of chapter 11 in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck and Jim are forced to leave Jackson's Island because Huck discovers that people are looking for the runaway slave. Prior to leaving, Huck tells Jim, "They're after us." Clearly, the people are after Jim, but Huck has already identified with Jim and has begun to care for him. This remark shows that the two will have a successful and rewarding friendship as they drift down the river as the novel continues. In the end, Huck Finn decides that he would rather disobey society's teachings about slavery, than betray his friend by returning him to his previous condition of servitude. The value of friendship has been a common theme throughout both literature and history. Authors representing several eras have addressed the moral dilemma of friendship versus loyalty to one's country. Governmental leaders and their policies are subject to change; friendships last a lifetime.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Satis House Essays
Satis House Essays Satis House Essay Satis House Essay Pip first goes to see Miss Havisham when he is called by her to go and play at Satis House. He had heard of Miss Havisham before up in town, as an immensely rich and grim lady who lived in a large and dismal house. As Pip enters the house for the first time the size of the house becomes apparent to the reader but also the fact that it has no heart. As Pip meets Miss Havisham for the first time, he describes her as the strangest lady I have ever seen, or shall ever see. It is also evident to Pip that she is very wealthy and is described as wearing rich materials-satins; he is also aware of the fact that everything she is wearing is white but has become a faded yellow: But I saw everything within my view which ought to be white long ago, and had lost its lustre, and was faded and yellow. The extraordinary state of her clothing also says a great deal about her state of mind. Pip is terrified by her peculiarity and appearance and describes her as like wax work and a skeleton and corpse like. These are horrific images for a young child and would be very intimidating for an adult let alone a young child: I should have cried out if I could. This frightening a scary image of Miss Havisham has an even stronger influence on Pip by the fact he is a boy made sensitive by Mrs Joe. On Pips second visit to Satis House, Miss Havishams relations are at the house as it is her birthday, trying to secure some of Miss Havishams money. She uses Pip to spite them by making them think that Pip will get all her money. This shows her cynical attitude as she enjoys infuriating her relatives. On his second visit to the house Pip and Estella play cards for Miss Havishams entertainment but she gains more pleasure by drawing Pips attention to Estellas beauty and she encourages him to admire Estellas splendour. Miss Havisham watched us all the time, directed my attention to Estellas beauty, and made me notice it the more by trying her jewels on Estellas breast and hair. This is Miss Havishams cruel and heartless way to gain revenge on all men with Estella. Miss Havisham has expectations for Estella to break all mens hearts as Compeyson broke her own heart. This is the reason she uses Pip for practice for Estella when she is older, to hurt and break the hearts of men. She encourages Pip and makes him believe Estella is intended for him. This is her main influence on him; she makes Pip believe Estella is intended for him and that she is Pips benefactor. Miss Havisham would often ask me in a whisper, or when we were alone, Does she grow prettier and prettier Pip? This is an example of Miss Havisham constantly developing the thought in Pips mind that Estella is intended for Pip. She points out Estellas outstanding beauty to Pip, constantly nurturing his growing love for her. Estella is Miss Havishams weapon against men: Break their hearts, my pride and hope, break their hearts and have no mercy. This is what she is using Pip for. As Pip falls deeper in love with Estella the more he becomes a victim to Miss Havisham and her cynical plan to hurt men through Estella. Miss Havisham debatably has the largest influence over Pip than any of the four women in the novel. This is because of one reason; this is because of one reason. She makes Pip unhappy with whom he is. Now, it was coarse and common, and I would not have Miss Havisham and Estella see it on any account. Although it is Estella who makes Pip unhappy about his social class and background and the prospect of him being a blacksmith and makes him want to be something he is not it is Miss Havisham who makes Estella treat Pip in this appalling manner. I felt more than ever dissatisfied with my home and with my trade and with everything; and that was all I took by that motion. Miss Havisham frequently throughout the novel plays up to Pip that she is his benefactor one example of this is when Pip is in preparation to leave for London and he visits Miss Havisham to tell her the good news. His visit coincides with the visit of Miss Havishams relatives. She makes Sarah Pocket remain in the room while Pip and Miss Havisham talk about London and Miss Havisham encourages Pip to believe she is his benefactor to spite Sarah and her relatives She quite gloated on these questions and answers, so keen was her enjoyment of Sarah Pockets jealous dismay. So this makes Pip more certain that Miss Havisham is his benefactor and that surely Estella is intended for him; resulting in more misery for Pip. The strange and bizarre nature of Miss Havishams behaviour is understood when Herbert Pocket reveals her life story. She was tricked out of a small fortune by her fianci Compeyson who then jilted her on their marriage day. This explains her desire to hurt and break hearts of all men through Estella. This also explains why Miss Havisham is so vengeful maybe verging on insane. Her role in the novel is to instil the belief into Pip that he and Estella are meant to be and her encouragement to Pip of being his benefactor. Miss Havisham towards the end of her life realises the enormity of her actions as she has ruined Pip and Estellas lives. She, like Mrs Joe, shows remorse and begs Pip for his forgiveness My name is on the first leaf. If you can ever write under my name, I forgive her, though ever so long after my broken heart has turned to dust-Pray do it! So Miss Havisham does show genuine repentance to Pip. Thus also at the end like Mrs. Joe is presented as sadly human. Miss Havisham and Mrs. Joe shape and mould Pip into the person we are familiar with in the novel. Their influences are vital for Pips character and the plot throughout the story.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Garbology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Garbology - Essay Example However taken as a whole they portray an unappealing picture about our priorities and lifestyle. The trash indicates that we can be wasteful at time and lazy since some of the disposed things can be reused in the future. Focusing on the female premises, we note that their trash is composed of mainly food remains that are collected from grocery stores and the food stalls. There are less trashes that indicate cases of alcohol or other drugs. The level of trash is high and this indicates that they hold social gathering at their premises. The female students are cautious and there is minimal trace of recyclable containers on their garbage. In the premises occupied by male students, I found evidence of fast food remains and various remains of foods from food stalls. The trash entails of sugar papers, coffee containers, and alcohol bottles, this indicates that the students consume alcohol. From the trash collected from both premises, we note that the socioeconomic class of the occupants is low since they are students. There are no valuable items collected from the trash unless for foods and other necessities such as body oil containers, and remains of soaps. There were cans of drinks that were not fully emptied, and many candy papers. Many containers from the garbage could be recycled but students opt to throw them away. In the female premises, there are birth control containers, and this indicated that the occupants were sexually active. From the male premises, there was an increase in alcohol cans, large amount of coffee containers and cigarettes. This indicates that the students used drugs. Two occupants occupied the premises and from the amount of food remains and increase in drinks can were too much for a single household. An increase in rubbish from the premises indicates that the occupants usually have some guests in the rooms. In conclusion, the economic culture of the occupants is developed since there are no ancient items discovered from the trash. It is
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